Free Trade 2002 is the working name for what is hopefully going to be the ultimate online telnet game. Our starting point is the ever popular TradeWars 2002, but once basic functionality is down we hope to improve and develop features unheard of in the BBS game. The inital implimentation will be a unix based server accepting telnet connections. Similar to a MUD or MOO except offering colour if your terminal supports it. The server is being written on Linux, but planned to be tested early on to work on FreeBSD/OpenBSD, Solaris x86, and hopefully Solaris SPARC. The configuration will be controlled by GNU autoconf so hopefully any unix-alike system will be supported easily. StatusSee the news page. Updated Aug 7, 1999. GuestbookIn an effort to get some informal feedback on the level of interest of the game, i have set up a guestbook so you can leave your general comments on the idea of the game. Leave a message for me and/or others to read! Thank you!