
Free Trade 2002 was initally conceptualized on slashnet. (irc.slashdot.org) With a few volunteers who gave some ideas. Inital project space was hosted on synx's machine. The other member of the team involved in FT2002 was working on database system, but they did not get very far.

In the mean time interest in Ft2002 died quickly. I never heard from the other member of the team again, I never got any working code from them. But my own development continues unabated.

Despite the fact that we lost 1 out of 2 technical members, I still believe I can complete this myself (synx).

To those other members of the team, well... since I haven't heard from you in a long while, I guess I must assume that all interest has been lost.

Last modified: Fri Jul 24 09:22:22 PDT 1998