
Aug 7, 1999 The faithful shall be rewarded, after alternately thinking about it, and not thinking about it, we have decided to get back on it. Needless to say with a project of this magnitude it is easy to get lost. However this time, things should fall into place. An inital analysis model is being drawn up in UML to support the features of the game. With this basic infrastructure in place, the game should come along faster.
Nov 4, 1998

Well after seriously being ignored for many many many months (6 I think) it is time to get interested again. Since I (synx) has been ultra-super busy with school, not much has been happening in the code world. On the plus side I know how to use cvs now.

Rest assured that this is being thought of.. the other team members have been thinking heavly about the game, and I am appreciative to them for it. I have been excessively busy with 3rd year university and have not been coding much lately. However the term is winding down now, so I expect to have more spare time soon. Then the coding world begins.

Some ideas for combat and other aspects of the game have been thrown around. To give you a taste of what we have planned.. here is a short list of possible features:

  • New/different trade items
  • New/different ship types/concepts
  • A new way to do battle/combat
  • New universe construction/design concepts
  • Semi-real time turn based battle with multiple combatants
  • Advanced corporate system

If you liked corporations in TradeWars, you'll love the team options in FreeTrade. We remember that corporations and team work was the most exciting thing that kept us coming back to TradeWars, so we are going to add more of it. More flexiable systems, but still easy to use.

That is all out of the FreeTrade camp for now, as always you are welcome to contact me.

July 24, 1998

Free Trade 2002 web page is updated by synx after being ignored for a few months.

Despite the fact that FT2002 has been ignored for 2 months or more, I would like people to know that I synx am still on the case. I have been busy with boring stuff like building my vacuum tube amplifier, and having surgery. But now that that stuff is over Free Trade is getting looked at more.

Last modified: Sun Aug 8 19:25:31 PDT 1999