About Me

I know that when I read web pages I always hope for a little bit about the person who wrote the page. I like learning about people, and what they believe in and so forth. And because I percieve that this trait of mine is not unique, I will feed into this and write some about me.


Ok, most of the page is utterly out of date. But keeping with my philsophy of not throwing anything away, I have merely amended this page rather than rewriting it. For one, it saves me the time of deleting stuff I don't want. And for two, you get to see all the awsome crap that was here before! So, I figured that I'd do everyone a favor and leave the old material here.

Who I am (part 2)

Well, we are into Ryan 202, since you succesfully graduated from Ryan 101. Lets see. I live in Gage. Gage is a UBC Residence. For all the bad things you can say about it, there are 2 redeming factors:
a) Close to classes
This is very important. Maybe not now when its sunny, but when its raining like you've never seen before...

b) Good view
Excellent View. I can see the ocean! I can see the Sunset from my bedroom window!

So, here I am again, I survived a work term, learnt some cool things and now I'm back to haunt professors and generally waste time. I am now in 3rd year, so I guess theoretically I am busy or something.. whatever.

Who I am

Some elementary Ryan 101. I currently live in or near nelson. Nelson is a small town of about 10,000 in the Kootenays. I live about half way between Nelson and Castlegar. This makes it convenient to go to Castlegar, since Castlegar has a Canadian Tire and Nelson doesn't! (Am I Canadian or what, eh?)

I am about 20 or so, and I am attending University of British Columbia full time. But then why am I in Nelson? Simply because I am in the co-op program and somehow I found a job here in nelson. So I am in Nelson for the next 8 months. Then I haul myself back to Vancouver for the school year. Since I alternate working and studying, I guess I'll be moving alot. Unless I can get jobs in Vancouver.


I think school is very important. This is one reason why I am at school. But I also have a love of learning... I could not imagine going thru life without constantly learning. I think maybe I'll take a second degree. Or even a third one, and get a Masters or even a Doctorate. But for now I am taking my initial undergrad degree in Computer Science at UBC. I like the professors there, we have some very good faculty.

One of the things I like about university is the broad range of experiences and knowledge you are exposed to. Every program in science has arts electives. And arts courses have similar electives. The point being that when you graduate from university you know more than just what your program is. This is one distinguishing factor from College. And one reason why I prefer University.


People can't handle spare time well. As a species we need something to do. If we do not have anything to do, we create things for us to do. Often this is not a good thing. I'm sure most wars were started because someone was bored. In that spirit I am preventing wars by working. Every day, 8 hours a day. I work as a system administrator for The Net Idea. What do I do? Well we have a bunch of Unix machines that need to be taken care of. That is what I do. I do other things of course, but my most important task is to make sure that our servers are running all the time. Of course this task does not occupy 8 hours a day, thus I do other stuff. Like: technical support, service development, and other support tasks. Recently I adjusted our account information page and added a password change form, and a detailed logs form.

Other activities

Naturally there are other interests in my life. I love music of most forms. To this end I am building a vacuum tube amplifier with the help of a friend. I also like riding my bike. However it is winter, so unless I remove my toe clips its kind of hard to ride it with my boots on. Skiing is another favorite activity. Nothing like hurtling down the side of a steep mountain with nothing but the laws of physics keeping you alive. Next to sky diving the most speed and fun you can have with a minimum of energy expenditure.

Last modified: Thu Oct 8 19:59:03 PDT 1998