I am at school. I am taking a Computer Science major at UBC. Its a fairly nice campus, well located in Vancouver.
Well, I'm still taking the co-op option, and last term wasn't that bad. All my "hard" courses in one term (how hard were they? 83% average over 5 courses. You be the judge). Now I'm taking 3rd year comp sci. Damn cool shit. check out my Assignment #2 in CPSC 315. Pretty damn neat, isn't it? I might add that 315 is "Introduction to Operating Systems". You'd probably never derive that from the assignment.
Yeah, I live in residence. So when you are taking over an hour to get to school, I just have to walk all of 5 minutes. Convience is a major factor here. There is more in my me page.
Can you believe I wrote all this stuff like 11 months ago? Damn, time flys like crazy.
I am also taking the Co-op option... I must be crazy... I have all my hard courses in one term, all this extra work-related stuff like resumes and interviews to worry about, then another year of school. To make things even more crazy I have to write a technical report every 4 months of work. All for what? Work...
Back to the school thingy, I live in residence. However my residence is not
cool enough to have ResNet, which is the permanant fast network connection that
some have. I live on the 6th floor of a so-called Quiet house, but really, its
not that quiet... I have a single room (no annoying roommate), and I have a
good view of some trees.
School stuff. I was sick, so I didn't goto school on monday. I like that...the
ability to skip school... but you always regret it later when you have to
catch up. Things to do in the next week:
Comp Sci project part 2 to finish. damn. due: tuesday.
Math Assignment due on monday. damn.
Math 200 midterm on friday Nov 7th. Damn.
Comp Sci lab #6, thursday oct 30. Damn.
Alot of Damns here. That is a light load, but I haven't studied math 200 a ounce yet. I could be in trouble here... after all, I "only" got 98% on my last assignment...
will it be the end for ryan and his amazing career? Or will he ace the math exam and pass with flying colours. And if he does pass, what colours will fly exactly?? Stay tuned....
Well it seems that indeed I did pass the midterm. As a matter of fact I even passed the final and the entire damn course! Wow! Not to brag or anything (yeah right) but I got 86% in math 200. That's an A for all you types.
More stuff, here is my assignment 3 for math 200. its not finished yet. I just put it here so I could download it...